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Team Best for Babes

The Miracle isn't the Bra.  It's you -       Whatever your race,    whatever your pace, you can help beat the booby traps and put prevention in first place!

Kelly Calway, Winner of the Marine Corps Marathon 2013. If I were a Booby Trap, I’d start running now ;-)! Read Kelly’s Exclusive Nursing and Training Story!

Help us to fuel the fight for a Booby-Trap-free environment!  

Team Best for Babes is a nationwide, year-round, personal fitness challenge fundraiser. It is NOT a race.  Anyone, anywhere, AT ANY TIME, can join or start a team, choose a fitness goal -run, walk, ride, yoga, stroll, tri, bowl, martial arts– whatever fitness activity at any level– and do their part to Beat the Breastfeeding Booby Traps® -the cultural and institutional barriers that prevent approximately 2 million moms each year from making informed feeding decisions and from achieving their personal breastfeeding goals, whether that’s to breastfeed, pump, use donor milk, or not at all.

Team BFB Champions for Moms tell their nursing & training stories!  Gabby ReeceDeena Kastor, Danah Bordner, Kelly Calway, Willow Rockwell.

Team Durango Dad races for his Babes!

Who and what are we sweating for?  

Moms and babies! To end the suffering and improve our collective health! Too many moms struggle and give up breastfeeding before they intended, full of guilt, blame, and regret — and it’s not their fault! They and their babies miss out on breastfeeding’s lifelong risk-lowering protection against a multitude of  epidemic illnesses and are robbed of a unique and enriching experience that can’t be bottled.  Team BFB is raising awareness of and funding to Beat the Booby Traps® and prevent other moms from the same fate!  We’re also putting more miles on the front-end of prevention so we don’t have to put so many on the back-end of the cure!  More rhubarb means less pink!

Who should join Team Best for Babes?Durango Team running shot

Moms, dads, grandparents, siblings, cousins, friends, EVERYONE! Whether you breastfeed or don’t, did or didn’t, this is a Cause worth us all fighting for! Breastfeeding and human milk are good for everyone’s bottom line- giving a super-charge boost to your  health (and wallet!), your family, society, the economy, and the environment. Human milk is a prescription for prevention — providing both baby and mom with lowered risks for a multitude of physical and emotional conditions, illnesses and diseases that have reached epidemic levels.  In the U.S., each year there are 911 preventable infant deaths associated with low breastfeeding rates, and costs $13 billion per year in excess health care and related costs.  A recent study reports that helping moms to breastfeed to the recommended one year mark, could avoid 5000 cases of breast cancer, about 54,000 cases of hypertension and nearly 14,000 heart attacks annually!  The estimated additional health care costs to treat those women total $860 million, and the total estimated economic cost to society for the 5000 premature deaths is $17.4 billion!  This is a cause that can’t wait!

How Do I Get Started?

  • To Register your own team, or to join an existing oneclick here or on the green button at the top of the page.  If you are starting your own team, you can set your sites on any fitness goal, including a race/event, or not.  If you are joining an existing team, that decision may already have been made.
  • To Register for our Virtual team join  the Virtual Team!
  •  Once you are registered you will get to create a personal profile page to direct family and friends to share your passion, progress, and goals, and make it easy to raise money for the Mother of All Causes!
  • Have a local healthy infant feeding resource in your area you would like a portion of your funds to benefit?  Talk to us!

Where do my funds go?

Funds raised directly support Best for Babes’ groundbreaking programs, campaigns, and events, that change the way America views and supports breastfeeding and human milk, and help moms & babies to navigate and overcome the barriers- like our six column educational blog, Campaign to Beat the Booby Traps®, Miracle Milk® Stroll & Campaign and our Harassment Hotline! We also share proceeds with other maternal/infant feeding nonprofits with whom we partner and designate as beneficiaries.  Click here to learn more about our programs and how your donations fund lasting change.

Upcoming Special Events:

Team BfB and it’s Special Events are proudly supported by businesses in our C.A.R.E.-Code Alliance.  
Best for Babes is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit and the only consumer-driven mainstream cause for healthy infant feeding — the Mother of All Causes.

For more about our mission and credo and what we stand for, click here.

Join us on Facebook: /teambestforbabes 
Contact us @ [email protected]